Saturday, November 04, 2006

Day 10: Half-pro

Since I don't have to be concerned about my income anymore, I spent the day as a hockey pro. I started the day with half an hour jog, ate breakfast and stretched. Then I drove to the hall and got prepared for the evening match. We played hard, but the opponent was one step ahead in the third period, so we lost. But still it was a great day, since I could the thing what I've dreamed of since I was a little kid.

Day 9: High Speed Metallic Case

I had to spend the day at work. I can assure you, that the motivation gap between myself and Starvin Marvin in the buffet line was bigger than Grand Canyon. Cheez! You've seen the lovely winter photos from here. Today that beautiful snow was again screwing up the traffic, so I was trapped in my car on the way to work and also on the way to home. This is one of the things I hate the most in working: you're stuffed in to a small metallic case every day. The other trained monkeys in their metallic cases are trying to overtake each other just about everywhere and the same rally continues twice a day. You feel lucky to get out a alive, but next day you have to be there again. Get Fired or Die Driving.

Well, this post was a bit negative, but the day turned out to be very good. I had to work only one day and already the weekend begun! I prepared the meat I bought yesterday (it had a funny side taste, kinda like beer...) and I had some wine with my wife after the kids were asleep. We watched the movie Capote and I was amazed how brilliant Philip Seymour Hoffman was on the main role. The movie was boring, but the acting - WOW! I'm definetely going to read that book Capote wrote.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Day 8: The Art of Grocery Shopping (by Sun Tzu)

My last vacation day, so it's time to get nuts! On Saturday the stores are going to be closed, so today was the perfect day to fill our storages. I purpously left my family home, so I could do something I wouldn't want my kids to see... Don't do as I do, do as I say...

I went to the local supermarket. I was again hungry as hell, but this time it was on purpouse. Can you resist anything when you're drooling already? First thing. I took the biggest cart I could find and then added couple of baskets to the sides. Second thing. Only buy items that you can drop from the shelf to the cart. Third. Whistle the whole way. Ready to go?

I skipped the veggies and fruits, since I couldn't drop them to the cart. Well, I got some bananas that I was able to drop from the top of Mount Chiquita. From the next section I was able to get bread that was placed on the upper shelf. But now I had a problem. I was really anxious to get some Brasilian ox meat, but they were placed so low that I couldn't drop them to the cart. Aha! I went to the nearest employee. Since I was whistling the whole time, I couldn't talk. I had to make some gestures to the woman and she quickly realised that I needed help (and maybe strong medication). I leaded her to the ox meat and started to point it with a loud whistle. The woman picked the meat and was putting it to the cart. No no no, I gestured. The woman was confused and looking me like I was some kinda freak. I showed her to raise the hand in which she held the meat. Of course, since the customer is always right, she raised her arm. Immediately I hit the meat and it fell down to the cart. YES! Thank you very much, you have been most helpful, here's a hundred, buy something for yourself. I rolled away whistling.

Bread, meat, bananas. What else does a grown man with million euros need? Lacohol. Acholl. Alcohol. And lots of it. I was standing in the beginning of the beer aisle. I started to whistle Bonanza. You could feel the intensity of the moment. The Man and The Beer. Evolution at its best. I usually bought the cheapest lagers, but now I raised my arm and pointed it to the imported beers. Uuuuh, you're so gonna get it! I started to run and Bonanza led me through the 20 meter aisle. Imagine the sound of breaking bottles and cans hitting the cart. I was there and felt alive. The smell of beer got mixed with air and I inhaled it deeply to my sweating organs.

Well, the security escorted me outside, I whistled my last tune, paid more than enough and finally I was home with my shoppings. My wife looked like a question mark, since I was covered with beer.

- Nice supermarket. Better not to go there for a while.

What an unforgettable day. I proved that you can also have fun without alcohol (in your brain). More stories tomorrow. In the meanwhile, enjoy Dan Lok's ultimate success concept and prosper.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Day 7: Snowman reads Dan Kennedy

Can you imagine 1,20 meters of snow? I couldn't believe my eyes this morning, since there was snow everywhere. And I don't mean some miserable tiny pile, there were HUGE piles of snow everywhere. I couldn't even move my car, so we spend the day at home. When days like this come, I'm thankful to have this thing called Internet. You can find the most incredible things from there. Today I found the site of Dan Kennedy, master of direct marketing. The guy is well-known for his success guides and marketing skills, so there's a lot to learn from him. If you want to have your business to be sky-rocketing, take a look.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Day 6: Wunderbaum Monkey Pays Big Debt

Today is managed to continue my beloved hobby - weight lifting. I went to the gym in the morning and put my new shiny Nike shoes on. I was also wearing my "Ugly Monkey" T-shirt that I purchased a while ago. After the training I felt like a fresh caveman, who is desperately seeking for a Wunderbaum to cover the smell of sweat. I've started this TO-BUY list recently, so I added "new training gear that breaths" there. Maybe next time I wouldn't smell this bad. I also added "get a membership to gym with sauna". Money talks and BS walks.

Lunch was a disaster, I ate pizza again.

In the afternoon I had a fantastic reason for a big smile. I called the bank and asked them that what is the procedure if I want to pay my housing loan now. After a pleasant conversation with a pleasent voice, I transferred a six figure sum from my account. That was it. I was sitting in front of the PC. I had a quiet moment of 2 seconds. I realised that I was free again!!! I screamed "FREEDOM" as loud as I could and went to have a beer.

Take a look at the snow today.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Take a look at these!

Beautiful winter day! Fresh air and sun shine. Lovely planet!

Day 5: Wayne Groteski

Papa gotta brand new pack of toys! I was just like a kid in the candy store. Finally I could buy the ice hockey gear I've always wanted. New knee/shoulder/elbow pads, gloves and a helmet. I also bought five composite sticks and teeth protection. Watch out Hanson brothers, Wayne Groteski cross-checking the ice! I left the store smiling and if possible, my grin was even broader when I realised that the new Audi would be taking me to ice hockey practise and games in just a few weeks.

I went home, undressed and tried the new equipment on. I definetely looked like an idiot with the partial gear and underwear. But what made me a total moran were those “are you talking to me?” lines in front of the mirror. Bad-ass forward from hell! At least in front of the mirror. Whatever gives you the kicks...

I'm starting to get worried about my diet, but I've given myself the permit to eat trash for a while (I'm rich now, hooray!). When things get rolling, I'll get back to my healthy eating habits again. I was really starving, so I needed something and fast. Again I decided to have a pizza. One phone call and 20 minutes later I went to get the pizzas while my family was waiting in the car. I had ordered pizzas for me and my wife, since our oldest son always eats one tiny slice from our pizzas. So I went back to the car and my son noticed the two pizza boxes. He commented:

- This is my pizza. Daddy, you can eat one slice from mommy's pizza.
- Son, these are for mommy and daddy, but you can have a slice from them both.
- No. Mommy, you have to eat a slice from daddy's pizza, since I'm going to eat your pizza.

Big words, huge attitude. Fantastic future.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

About this blog

Welcome to my blog! This is a fictional story about a guy who now owns 1 million euros. He writes (almost) every day what he has done with the money and what else is going on with his life.

You might have written an essay "What would I do with 1 million dollars" in school. I thought it would make a great story to put down ALL the things you would do as a millionaire. This is also a good mind game, since I'm curious to know how my life would change if I'd be economically independent (= rich).

The main character is called Daemon. He got his million euros by making business in the internet. He's about 30 years old, married with 2 kids. They live happily in a nice neighborhood located in the northen part of Europe.


Day 4: Bright sky, birds and hangover.

Today started with the hangover of the decade. Toilet was my best friend, I'll never forget you. After the brunch (apple juice) we said goodbye to our friends and agreed to do this again sometime. The sun was shining from the clear sky and there was snow on the ground. What a beautiful day to be wasted... They say that hangover is the most creative state and I have to agree to that. My best ideas have their roots in hangovers, since then you can think more clearly than the night before but you still have some alcohol in your blood to release the barriers and blocks of the mind. So my bright idea was to sit at our backyard, in the snow, with nothing else on except my boxer shorts. Rich people are weird.

Later in the evening I decided to punish myself. I took my ice hockey gear and went to practise with my friend's team. Kids, do not try this at home. Exercise and hangover don't go together, you just cause yourself a heart attack. Anyways, I noticed that my equipment needed some update desperately, so tomorrow one sport shop will get a buying customer.

Quote: Today my son was trying to fly in the living room. He swung his arms so heavily, that I had to say to him that humans aren't capable to fly. “No, my other wing is just broken” he replied.